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visual artist and writer marisol diaz

i am a self-defined Nuyorican creative (that is a Puerto Rican who is from both the isles of Manhattan, NYC and the Caribbean). I share daily in the joy of education and live in a cute port town in New York, in a 'teensy-weensy' apartment with my two dogs and canary named Valentino. Check out my Etsy shop for purchasable pieces. Please do not reproduce imagery off of this site without explicit credit and no derivatives may be made of my original imagery- Thank You.

Creative Commons License
This work by marisol diaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Entries in Driftwear (4)


DRIFTWEAR T-Shirt Winner!!

Driftwear has officially launched!!

And to celebrate we're doing a giveaway of the DRIFTBEAR t-shirt!

Congrats to Cristhian!!! You are the random number generators comment selection! Be sure to comment a thank you on the Birth of Driftwear Blog!

As for everyone else sorry this post was delayed, we had some technical difficulties. However, the Driftwear etsy shop is up and running and is now available for your shopping needs!

Congrats to Isabella for making just one of her Indie dreams come true! I'm proud!


Dog Love

Chulo dreaming of Chica Chica dreaming of Chulo Chica upside down throwing me a kiss - the harlot!

The Driftwear Giveaway is tonight!! So be back after 9PM to check to see who the winner is!

-Ciao Amarettogirl

Two New Inspiring Art Books 

Hunt & Gather by Tina Ziegler NYCI bought these two books, Hunt & Gather and Illustration Now! Vol.3 as Birthday gifts for my hub and we LOVE them! They are VERY inspiring.

One thing I like to tell my students and remind myself of, is that we don't live in bubble. It is so great, if you are able, to go to galleries, contemporary museums and see publications of what is currently happening in the art world and have your pulse on what your contemporaries are toiling with.

I often think that (unless you live in Brooklyn) or other up and coming 'art' communities many of us creatives today live the opposite of Monet's Giverny, isolated.

Not really by Monet's choice, Giverny turned into thriving artist colony where writers, dancers, painters and creatives of the time collected to live, breathe and make around eachother. These two books help me feel connected and a part of something bigger in the art world that is still breathing and living.

Jason Jackeno featured in Hunt & Gather Tina Ziegler

This book has a beautiful coffee-table spread of images of new contemporary artists that work in a variety of styles.

This striking collection of surrealism, pop art, illustration, collage, graphic design and mixed media represents many of today's most boundary-pushing artists. Aspects of this collection are dark, at times macabre, but these images are complemented by arrestingly playful pieces, and accompanied by first-person texts that shed light on how and why these individuals make their art.
- from Hunt & Gather website

Illustration Now!3 Ed Julius Wiedemann

Illustration Now! 3 is another great book. I love to see illustration work because it is my first love. I have affairs with glass, but illustration is my life mate.

From magazines and newspapers to ads, websites, album covers, and even mobile phone wallpaper, illustration is a crucial element in visual communication today. With unlimited creative possibilities, illustration is as unbound as imagination itself; whether it's a simple pencil drawing, an ornate airbrushed painting, or a computer-generated image, an illustration speaks the international language of ideas.
- from Illustration Now!3 website

Christina Drejenstam in Illustration Now!3

Well, the Driftwear Giveaway is still on.

I'm so excited that I am slowly, but surely, fixing up this site. I just updated the Glass Art portfolio!! I'm still not finished, check it out here and let me know what you think!

- Ciao Amarettogirl

The Birth of Driftwear

The Birth of Driftwear

My student Isabella Whitney is the proud owner & designer of the new brand Driftwear. She is completeling her senior thesis/focus project soon by developing this brand and it launches April 19th!

I am so very proud of her work and her accomplishments and I wanted to share them with all of you.

Many people aren't aware of all of the nuances and complexities involved in developing a product line, brand and indie biz. Isabella has done a fantastic job documenting all of those things in her blog- The Birth of Driftwear.

In addition, she has approached marketing wisely, creating guerilla art (I blogged about what Guerilla Art is two years ago- check it out here!) marketing campaigns and using the stop- motion fever my hub and I imparted on our students to promote the brand. I already have three of her designs that I'm interested in purchasing!

PSSSTTT- SECRET... another giveaway opportunity is in the works to celebrate the Driftwear launch!

Driftwear Mission ststement detail shot of guerilla marketing by Isabella Whitney