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visual artist and writer marisol diaz

i am a self-defined Nuyorican creative (that is a Puerto Rican who is from both the isles of Manhattan, NYC and the Caribbean). I share daily in the joy of education and live in a cute port town in New York, in a 'teensy-weensy' apartment with my two dogs and canary named Valentino. Check out my Etsy shop for purchasable pieces. Please do not reproduce imagery off of this site without explicit credit and no derivatives may be made of my original imagery- Thank You.

Creative Commons License
This work by marisol diaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Entries in student art (2)


The Gift of Prints n Student Creativity

Students, both former and current are one of the greatest forms of creativity sparks and inspiration we can have as teachers and quite honestly as human beings.

From founder of Karma Seed Chris Lo, to current Brown University student Isabella Giancarlo (who recently sent me an envelope filled with valentines day handmade wares including a silk-screened pillowcase) and Colin Alexander current art student to my alma mater Maryland Institute College of Art whose art graces my walls- students feed my daily life.

Current students do it on an hourly basis - whether it is with a cool new nail polish design, an altered book art piece they made, their illustrations, or math class doodles or simply their solutions to the parameters of my assignments, like AK's solution to my good ol' brown paper bag">BROWN PAPER BAG HEAD PIECE PROJECT you see here: made entirely of brown paper brown paper bag">lunch bags to read about this assignment click brown paper bag">here.

Wearable Art made of brown paper bags by my current student AK Hence todays post- A former student came bearing beautiful gifts recently - Lena Jorde (who I taught for only one year during her freshman year of high school before she transferred out of my school). The one year we shared was a full one, Lena participated in my Herstory project and we got very close. And we remained close- at times she wrote me letters and even brought me as a speaker to the Putney school to present the Herstory project. I have always been impressed by Lena, her maturity and her artistic inclinations among an array of other passions and talents..always choosing the path of greatest resistance and integrity in order to develop her whole self. Lets put it this way - she chose to milk the cows at dawn while in high school - as opposed to a cush office task...now that is what I'm talking about. Lena is now a graduate of the Putney School and is attending Columbia University. Without realizing it she made an inadvertent portrait of both my hub and I :
He uses a coffee infuser and I of course am all about tea.

tea by lena jorde

coffee print by lena jorde


Sunday Musings- Project Ourway was an Arts Success!!

Today I went to the Azucarera gallery to retrieve my artwork. Now I have to photograph it, then I will parcel the sold pieces out to their respective buyers. So sad to see the loved ones go...
However, I maintain copyright so I'll have digital reproductions of the original art available in smaller and more affordable scale here on the website!

Last night my students exhibited a wonderful artstravaganza, a phenomenal Project Ourway!

project Ourway banner by Isabella Whitney & Hadar Naftalovich The What is Art wall with Balloon collage by artist Hanna Lefcourt

The event was such a wonderful mix of all forms of art; music, animation, performance, design, fashion and expression it was exhilarating! One of my favorite parts was the interactive 'what is art' wall at the entrance of the event. I really like the balloon by my design student Hanna also!

To think this is a student driven,designed, created event is just so impressive there are no words for it!

I've included some pen drawings by artist James Griffiths - click this thumbnail to see the full image.

I read a poem from the Nuyorican Poets cafe and my hub performed in one of the short one-act plays along with the students.

Here are some more pics of the night and a video of the show's finale - a fashion show

wall of student artwall of student art 2 students singing at Project Ourway 2010 Isabella Whitney doing a poetry reading

young UP and Coming Fashion Designer, AK Debuted her line click play to see

I'm still working on the mystery project here is a sneak peek.

Sneek Peek to mystery project by me!

So far only one reader has guessed the correct answer! I think I'll be done by tonight;))

-Ciao Amarettogirl